Thursday, February 07, 2008

Chau Eduardo

Solo perduran en el tiempo,las cosas que no fueron del tiempo. JL Borges

Eduardo Darnauchans 15/11/1953 /2007


Tuesday, May 02, 2006


The summer is here at last
The sky is overcast

And no one brings a rose for Emily
She watches her flowers grow

While lovers come and go
To give each other roses from her tree
But not a rose for Emily...
Emily, can't you see

There's nothing you can do?
There's loving everywhere
But none for you...
Her roses are fading now

She keeps her pride somehow
That's all she has protecting her from pain
And as the years go by

She will grow old and die
The roses in her garden fade away
Not one left for her grave
Not a rose for Emily...
Emily, can't you see

There's nothing you can do?
There's loving everywhere
But none for you...
Her roses are fading now

She keeps her pride somehow
That's all she has protecting her from pain
And as the years go by

She will grow old and die
The roses in her garden fade away
Not one left for her grave
Not a rose for Emily...

The Zombies -1969

Friday, March 24, 2006

"Animals never worry about Heaven or Hell"
" Los animales no se preocupan por el Cielo o el Infierno "

Charles Bukowski.

Roy: I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the darkness at Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time like tears in rain. Time to die.
Deckard (voice-over): I don't know why he saved my life. Maybe in those last moments he loved life more than he ever had before. Not just his life, anybody's life, my life. All he'd wanted were the same answers the rest of us want. Where did I come from? Where am I going? How long have I got? All I could do was sit there and watch him die.

Monday, March 06, 2006

Mástil negro Black neck
de guitarra of guitar
y encima and the white dove
la paloma blanca. above.
Éstá bien It´s OK
lo admito: I admit it:
Yo tambien I was the idiot
fuí el idiota. too.

Friday, March 03, 2006

¿ What do you think when you think NOTHING ?

¿ En qué pensás cuando no pensás en NADA ?